Generally speaking there is no need at all to clean any of your leather bags or accessories. By using the dust bag that the Massimo Palomba items come in, this should be enough to keep your items looking like new.
Unfortunately sometimes things happen and things get spilt. Coffee and oil are often the hardest stains to come out of leather products.
The number one rule is not to use leather cleaning products that you find in stores. This is because all the Massimo Palomba products are stained using only vegetable dyes which are natural and this will affect the colour of the products.
The best way is to use white petroleum jelly that you can find from a hardware store (do not use Vaseline as this is too easy). You can apply this very gently with a gentle brush to help lift the stain.
If there is mould on your bag then with a sponge and some white wine vinegar mixed with water helps, followed by a bit of white petroleum jelly brushed onto the area when it is dry.
Any products bought via Tizzy Loves, can always be sent back to Massimo Palomba for possible restoration or repair. We want these bags to be for life and not just for a season!
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